Isekai Yurutto Survival Seikatsu: Gakkou No Minna To Isekai No Mujintou Ni Tenishitakedo Ore Dake Rakushou Desu

Isekai Yurutto Survival Seikatsu: Gakkou No Minna To Isekai No Mujintou Ni Tenishitakedo Ore Dake Rakushou Desu


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I’m Shinomiya Hokage, a 3rd-year high-school boy who dreams of a survival life. One day, everyone in my school transferred to a mysterious island in a parallel world. I woke up in an unknown cave and I started moving on my own. Then, I met up with some of my classmates. My knowledge and tools in survival shines through. I was a plain guy in school but I’m the leader in this world.

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